Lucy Wang has achieved international recognition and respect as an artist and teacher. The beauty of her painting reflects her love of nature and demonstrates her exquisite mastery of the brush. She blended her Chinese painting background and the influence of Western painting techniques to develop an innovative style of three-dimensional watercolor on silk. The new style later was introduced nationwide by "Lynette Jennings, Design" on Discovery Channel.She graduated from the National Taiwan University of Arts and studied with master artists in Taiwan. Lucy Wang has taught for more than 40 years in her studio at Spanish Village in Balboa Park, at the University of California San Diego Craft Center, and at workshops throughout the United States. Lucy has written books: “Chinese Brush Painting”, “The Art of Chinese Brush Painting”, “Chinese Brush Painting Kit”, "Chinese Brush Animal Kit", and co-author of "How to Draw and Paint Watercolor". All published worldwide by Walter Foster Publishing, Inc. Four cable TV channels broadcast her educational TV Program “The Magic of Chinese Brush Painting”. Lucy Wang exhibits at Spanish Village Art Center in Balboa Park, San Diego, Calif.. Her artworks were selected by National Audubon Society, National Geographic Society, Smithsonian, UNICEF for holiday cards.
范璐 Lucy Wang、 國際知名畫家、畢業於國立台灣藝術專科學校、 現在加州大學聖地牙哥分校工藝中心和其私人畫廊教授中國畫 。 她的作品融和中國畫的優雅和西畫的鮮麗色彩、花鳥、人物、動物賦與感情、生動而自然。她自創的立體絹畫曾經"Lynette Jennings, Design"探索频道訪問報導、她的中國畫電視教學節目 "中國畫之奇" 曾在加州聖地牙哥的四家電視台播出。范璐所著 “中國繪畫技法“書籍由 Walter Foster Publishing 出版、銷售歐、亞、美洲多個國家。作品由聯合國兒童文教基金會 、美國鳥類協會、 美國國家地理協會、史密松寧博物館印製聖誕卡發行銷售。